
Coventry Univeristy

CovEventry - Android App

An Android app built to show all events around the user in one place. Is able to check the app own database for special events created in it but also scan tweets around the user relating to events.

Coventry Univeristy

Binary Tree & Graph

A project composed of two data structures, a self-balancing binary tree (AVL Tree) and a Graph. Complete with expected methods and some specific operations like Dijkstra algorithm.

Coventry Univeristy

Android App

An Android app built to consolidate the University information in one place. Able to check the news form the University and go through the enrolment process.

Coventry Univeristy


A text base ASCII maze game, the objective is to find the way out, pick up all the chests to get more points and defeat the monsters without being killed.

Coventry Univeristy

Challenges Chatbot

A chatbot around the concept of a ‘pub quiz chatbot’. Can test the user with questions and tell him fun facts, whilst maintaining a “casual” conversation.